Chi è di scena


The Philanderer

uno spettacolo di George Bernard Shaw
presentato in inglese dalla compagnia The Rome Savoyards
regia di Sandra Provost

dal 5 al 10 novembre 2019

ore 20,30, sabato e domenica ore 17,30


Biglietti: Intero € 15,00 - ridotto € 13,00 - Bambini e studenti € 10,00
Info e prenotazioni:  Tel: 347-8248661


The Philanderer è un'opera teatrale di George Bernard Shaw - Irriverente, satira sociale, ancora incredibilmente attuale.

All'inizio della commedia, Charteris, il personaggio da cui Shaw trae il titolo dell’opera è intento nell'assiduo corteggiamento di una vedova Grace Tranfield. “Una signora e un gentiluomo amoreggiano nel salotto di un appartamento…..” Si oppone a questo amore nascente, irrompendo sulla scena, Julia, presunta fidanzata/amante di Charteris. Le cose si complicano ulteriormente quando il padre di Grace, Cuthbertson, critico teatrale, arriva assieme ad un compagno di scuola perduto da tempo e che ha incontrato per caso: il padre di Julia, il colonnello Craven. Mentre la trama si infittisce e la storia si dipana attorno agli altri personaggi coinvolti, ne conseguono più rivelazioni e sorprese inaspettate. Un’opera autobiografica di Shaw che riscuote sempre molto successo per la sua sagacia e per i tanti temi che affronta come l’ipocrisia dei costumi sociali, l’importanza dell’indipendenza delle donne e il dibattito aperto sulle scelte della professione medica.

The Philanderer is a strikingly prescient play, a poignant, social satire by Nobel Prize and Academy Award  winning playwright George Bernard Shaw. It was written in 1893 but due to the strict British Censorship laws at the time, it was not produced on stage until 1902. Drawing from his own personal experience, in this play Shaw intentionally and happily takes irreverent aim at a number of targets, namely social hypocrisy, the sanctity of marriage, the infallibility of the medical profession, as well as the varieties of character and sexual temperament. Despite the title, this is actually a play about women. Indeed drawing inspiration from what he considered to be the quintessentially Ibsenite woman, The Philanderer is also considered to be Shaw’s tribute to the modern woman.

At the play’s outset Charteris The Philanderer‘s Shaw-like title character has turned his courtship - and sexual drive - to a soignée widow, Grace Tranfield. “A lady and gentleman are making love to one another in the drawing room of a flat…..” He is attempting to propose to her when Julia, his other lady-friend, hyperemotional and rather husband-craving bursts in on them. Matters get complicated further when Grace’s father, Cuthbertson, a drama critic, arrives arm in arm with a long-lost school friend he has run into by chance—Julia’s father, Colonel Craven . As the plot thickens and the story unravels around the other characters involved, more disclosures and unexpected surprises ensue.

Topical, cleverly entertaining and timeless, The Philanderer remains very popular to this day, with numerous successful productions to date. The National Theatre performed the play in 1978–79 and a  recent New York City production was a revival by the Pearl Theatre Company in 2012. The Shaw Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario has performed the play numerous times from 1971 to 2014.

 A compelling story, brought to vibrant, contemporary life by this forthcoming, entertaining abridged version presented by The Rome Savoyards to inaugurate their new and 12th theater season ad Teatro San Genesio.